Wen Metaverse?

Wen Metaverse?

Reading Time: < 1 minute In this episode, your host Niko Vuori talks to one of the best thinkers, writers, podcasters and operators on the subject of the metaverse, Yonatan Raz-Fridman. He is the founder & CEO of Supersocial, which develops content and games for the metaverse, and is also the creator of Into the Metaverse, a Substack newsletter and a podcast that – surprise surprise – covers the metaverse in depth.

Matthew Ball: Gaming x The Metaverse

Matthew Ball: Gaming x The Metaverse

Reading Time: < 1 minute In this episode, Matthew Ball joins Naavik co-founder Aaron Bush to discuss his book, The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything, which can be purchased here. The duo also discusses how virtual worlds could take their first steps to connect and interoperate. Matthew also shares why he’s excited about Massive Interactive Live Events (MILEs), and what he’s learned as a producer of one.